Store protection and actual 'detective' service  

    The store protection security service - watching to provide the personal privilege of people placed under measures - according to the needs and expectations of the client, provides its service supporting customers. Our service supervises the operation of goods protection equipments, devices and with the use of CCTV and personal observation is able to follow the happenings in the store.

    Our legal experts ensure by organizing continuous courses that the activity of colleagues of the store security comply with the legal requirements (in particular SzVMt.[1] and I�[2]). This includes their activity at detection, at capture of a person during committing crime, operation of the camera systems and acting in frame of public law.

    Our service provides the opening-closing procedures and out of opening hours it supervises the goods loading and cleaning procedures

    We also operate a 'detective-service' in civilian clothes in the stores in order to most effectively prevent, interrupt infringements relating to the clients, and protect customers, their interest and properties as widely as possible.

    On behalf of the operator of the shopping centres, these services - with the right discretion depending on the assignment - will also be provided on community areas which are public private properties for public. [3]

    [1] See provision as referred to activities for

    • personal and property officer,� designer and mechanic� of security systems, private detective in CXXXIII. in Act 2005 related to personal- and property protection, private investigation
    • armed security officers in CLIX. in Act 1997 related to armed security, environmental guard
    • professional hunters in LV. in Act 1996 related to protection of savages, management of savages and hunting
    • forestry staff in LIV. in Act 1996 related to forest protection
    • XLI. in Act 1997 related to fisheries and fishing

    [2] See activity of Telek Gy�rgy �s T�rsai szolg�ltat� Kft. (1113 Budapest, Bart�k B�la �t 152/c) - became independent in 1997 and operates successfully since more than 10 years - part of our company group; ("T & T Higi�nia")

    [3] More than 10 years we are providing the security for Magyar Telecom Nyrt. (previously Westel, T-Mobile) and since many years we are securing office blocks, properties of other big commercial companies, institutions (amongst other things the properties/ property parts of C�h Zrt, D�jbeszed� Holding Ztr, Kiskunlach�za Airport (B�rdi Zrt.), M�V BILK Kombiterm�l Kft, J�zsefv�rosi P�lyaudvar (terminal building), R�kos vas�t�llom�s (R�kos train station), M�V G�p�szeti Zrt, Pappas Aut� Kft. (MB Magyar Motor Kft.), UVATERV Zrt, Peugeot F�bi�n Kft, V�ros fM Kft, Rondo Kft, Schrack Technik Kft, Liszt Ferenc Zenem�v�szeti Egyetem, Bart�k B�la Zenem�v�szeti Szakk�z�piskola �s Gimn�zium, Magyar K�pz�m�v�szeti Egyetem (Main Building, Epres Garden, Intermedia department), K�pz�- �s Iparm�v�szeti Szakk�z�piskola, B�rczy Guszt�v Speci�lis Szakiskola).

    We provide / provided asset protection service for major investments, constructions where we fulfil control of persons-, vehicle- and goods movement (STRABAG Rt (in �rk�d Shopping Center), Magyar Telekom Nyrt, R-Co Zrt. (in K�b�nya Kispest), �b�l XI. Kft (L�gym�nyosi bay project), Diatron Kft, Liszt Ferenc Zenem�v�szeti Egyetem, C�h Zrt, Diatron Kft.)
    We have set up and operate security equipments in education institutions (Magyar K�pz�m�v�szeti Egyetem, Liszt Ferenc Zenem�v�szeti Egyetem, Bart�k B�laZenem�v�szeti Szakk�z�piskola �s Gimn�zium, K�pz�- �s Ipram�v�szeti Szakk�z�piskola, K�lyolyi Mih�ly K�t-tannyelv� Gimn�zium, B�rczy Guszt�v Speci�lis Szakiskola) and for many other clients (e.g. D�jbesued� Holding Zrt., Pappas Kft, Kienle+Spiess Kft, UVATERV Zrt.)
    Our remote monitoring service covers the secured properties and properties with other function, industrial plants and private homes.

    We fulfil building management, janitor duties in buildings which are protected by us (e.g. Magyar K�pz�m�v�szeti Egyetem, Bart�k B�la Zenem�v�szeti Szakk�z�piskola, K�pz�- �s Iparm�v�szeti Szakk�z�piskola, szent Domonkos �ltal�nos Iskola, Diatron Kft.). We provide many of our clients Health and Safety and Fire Safety Service (these companies are: Diatron Holding Kft, Kienle+Spiess Kft)
    We provide cleaning or 'security cleaning' service for D�jbeszed� Holding Zrt., C�h Zrt., Schrack Kft., Magyar K�pz�m�v�szeti Egyetem, Liszt Ferenc Zenem�v�szeti Egyetem, K�pz�- �s Iparm�v�szeti Szakk�z�piskola, B�rczy G. Iskola, Szent Andr�s �ltal�nos Iskola, Bart�k B�la Zenem�v�szeti Szakk�z�piskola).