As part of the complex portfolio: the effectiveness of the property security, for to minimise the risk of infringements we also provide 'adhesion services' for building cleaning, cleaning, janitor, building operation, health and safety, but also for garden planning and landscaping.
Building cleaning, cleaning
We are providing a high-quality service of cleaning for providers, commercial companies and for private individuals permanently or temporally (daily, weekly) for their buildings, office buildings. We are providing continuous or occasional deep-clean after construction works, cleaning of windows, glass surfaces and facades alpinists.
At preparation of the contract - if the client requires - we provide the documents of the operating conditions, an extract of registration, specimen signature; the certificate about the training of the person leading the cleaning services, declaration about competence of his employees, used technical equipments and products; the cleaning technology, the main duties of the cleaners and internal instructions relating to their behaviour; checklist, company description about its activity of services.
Our company seeks to provide an impeccable quality service for a reasonable fee.
The charge will be calculated depending on different circumstances of the work, especially on the size of the cleaned areas, surfaces, time of the service needed, while we will completely adapt to the operational order, security specifications of our clients.
We provide the high quality of our services with a continuous control. For this reason our management on duty and our independent night controllers control the activities of our colleagues also overnight and on bank holidays. (The statements of these controls are recorded in protocols and we continuously inform our clients about our experiences, but if requested we also prepare periodic report.)
Our experienced, well prepared colleagues with good outstanding are carrying out the cleaning of buildings in an aesthetic uniform with a provided ID batch.
We are using the safest cleaning technologies: our cleaning machines and equipments are modern, their safety is controlled regularly; the use of cleaning products, -materials and equipments is according to the required parameters.
Our cleaning services are certified. [4]
Cleaning which also fulfils improved security requirements ("security cleaning")
The complex service which is focusing on the security of the properties also includes the safety of the continuous operation, which also means service of data protection and confidentiality. As the service of cleaning buildings usually will be taken place out working hours, mainly in absence of the colleagues of our client, the confidentiality of the service comes more and more into the foreground and the expectations against the cleaning staff will be higher.
Our company can provide documents proving compliance with high security requirements of the cleaning staff proved by: * legality of our operation * unpunished background of the cleaning staff * professional competence of colleagues and * participation of staff on trainings related to handling of data protection and confidentiality. We also guarantee that we ensure compliance of security requirements for entry, moving, stay in the building, key handling under continuous monitoring /control.
All part of the cleaning service is regulated - fulfilling the high security requirements - making the expectations, requirements, duties related to this activity obvious, so does also which cleaning products can be used during the cleaning procedure.
In our internal regulations - which can also be viewed by the client, and which has been made content of the training for our colleagues - we defined the followings:
- "service technology"
- characteristics of the used cleaning products
- the requirements of the temporally cleanings
- rules related to cleaner's work and behaviour
- duties related to services (including - for the higher safety of the client - behaviours which our colleagues should avoid).
These regulations are very strict on requirements and methods of the service's control. (The fulfilment of the security requirements addressed to the cleaners will be controlled and evaluated by colleagues of our company who are providing security services.)
In case of cleaning where the cleaners have to fulfil high security requirements - together with their basic duties - the cleaners also have other obligations which aid the fulfilment of security requirements. These are as follow:
-� they have to watch out on any happenings affecting the security of the operation (e.g. any equipment failure, any premises left open, any equipments left switched on, any IT equipments left switched on which can be accessible for unauthorised individuals, suspicion of electric circuit, notice of power cut) and they have to take all the required necessary measures to remove any danger which the client can cause any harm. This also includes informing the client, and colleagues of our company providing security - and in urgent matters the required behaviours - and the immediate notification of the official bodies.
The cleaning which also fulfils security requirements won't necessary involve higher costs, however - and we guarantee it - it means a better quality service.
Janitor and building operation service
Simultaneously with the security services, partly to facilitate their effectiveness and partly having regard to the presence of the security officers - primarily on properties which are secure by our company - we also provide to perform non-qualified janitor and building operation duties:
- regular walk-around in the building, control of its condition, control of the basic operational equipments - for to provide the continuous operation of the building
- for to provide the continuous operation of the building: control of the basic operational and engineering equipments, water-, gas, canal and utility system, local heating and fire alarm system
- to record and forward the noticed information - in relation to building operation, which is part security officer's role - to the by the client appointed contact
- to carry out smaller, urgent repairs, maintenance (non special trade), which can be expected from the security officer, failing this to initiate the necessary special trade measures of these
- it is required from the security officer to facilitate, secure and may to control major repairs and represent the interest of the client
- to help snow removal and the removal of the selective rubbish
- to� record the information in the work log book forwarded and noticed by the security officer and to forward these information to the by the client appointed contact
- according to the job description he is in continuous contact with the person representing the client and with the utility providers, provides the possibility to report defects, depending on the type of the failure/defect acts in urgent matters for completion of the service. He informs the companies liable for guarantee and maintenance guarantee about the time limit laid down.
- in case any equipment/service needs maintenance and the time limit laid down for guarantee passed or in case of absence of the originator's eligibility - after a consultation with the client - to involve / provide an external company to fix the issues
- if an urgent troubleshooting needed and the company liable for this cannot fix the issue because for any reason - after a consultation with the client, within a reasonable time - our company provides relevant service to fix the issue
- if required - according to an agreement with the client - especially in regards to water-, gas-, and electricity sector - we provide the conclusion of the contract for availability and emergency maintenance service. To provide the disruption of the dumpster - we also can assist emptying buildings, building parts and promises.
Health and safety at work and fire protection
As part of our portfolio simultaneously with the security services, partly to facilitate their effectiveness and partly resulting from the related legislation which falls to the client - if required by the client - permanently we can provide fire protection and health and safety services. These duties will be carried out by professionals - with a diploma from higher education - who temporally (at least twice a month) are checking the site and are carrying out the followings:
- preparation, update, contribution of the required health and safety and fire protection documentations - plans, regulations -
- assistance in preparation of the rescue plan
- provide training and carry out tests
- temporally check of the fire extinguishers and organising their repair and replacement
- representing the client (according his authorisation): liaise with the competent authorities and safety representative
Garden planning and landscaping
As part of our portfolio - simultaneously with the security services, to facilitate their effectiveness, on protected areas or on areas of other properties our experts provide the following services in a short notice:
- manual and mechanical landscaping
- felling
- road construction, construction of parking slots
- building of garden toys, garden equipments, decor lighting, irrigation system and pools
[4] Main references of MAGNUM Security Kft.'s private investigation:
- based on the assignment of OTP Bank NyRt. Hitelenged�lyez�si �s kock�zatkezel�si Div�zi� Hitelmonitoring �s Speci�lis �gykezel�si F�oszt�ly� (Mortgage Authorisation and Risk Management Division Mortgage Monitoring and Special Case Management Department) the number of cases is around hundred which focus on cases such:
- �where clients are debtors for the bank,
- investigation of their properties and bank collateral
- to establish the actual market value, collateral value and recovery value of bank collaterals
- itemised stock take of good's stock which covers the credits (quasi stock take) and
- (almost in every case) analysis of upcoming legal aspects in connection with credit transactions.
- Many mandate of the Banco Popolare Hungary Bank are directed to:
- companies where the defaulting participant caused considerable damage for the Bank
- investigation of the properties of the guarantor (which can be taken into account at the implementation procedure)
- analysis of legal aspect, aspects of criminal law in infringements�
- preparation of criminal complaints.
Almost in all mandate given by the Bank we had to have a meeting with the debtor for settlement of the debts. The cooperation with this particular bank is based on critical cases, where we provide continuous consultation to prevent the Bank against threat of injury.
- On behalf of ING Magyarorsz�g J�rm�- �s Eszk�zl�zing ZRt. our specialists carried out investigations in approximately 50 cases to locate (mainly vehicles) and to recover leasing objects. They take criminal legal actions or arranged necessary measures. These measures also included crime prevention training for employees involved in such cases, overview of internal standards of the company and included recommendations for rewording these standards. In all mandate given by the Bank we had a meeting with the debtor for settlement of the debts.
- The mandates covering at least 15 cases of De Lage Landen Finance ZRt. directs towards the detection of leasing objects (mainly vehicles), their recovery and the preparation of criminal legal actions. This work covered in every case the detection of the property of the debtors, in interest of the client to start the administrative procedures to return the damage caused by the debtor. The cooperation with this particular company is based on critical cases, where we provide continuous consultation to prevent the Bank against threat of injury.
- The Jehn-Somodi �gyv�di T�rsul�s has given us many mandates based on contract violations which then leaded to damage.� Mainly Dutch and Hungarian companies are involved in these happenings which related to leasing of transportation vehicles.
����� These mandates are directed to:
- clarification of circumstances of infringements (mainly crime) committed by companies (owners, executives, employees)
- preparation of criminal complaints
- detection of properties of those involved.
In all cases we had a meeting with the debtor for debt settlement. The cooperation with this company is based on critical criminal cases, where we provide continuous consultation.
The cases/mandates of Kleyn Tucks B. V. (regist: 11013784, headquarter: Indrustrieweg 2, 4214 Vuren, Holland) and EURO 3 TRADE ZRt. (activity in Hungarian-German-Romanian relations) can also be highlighted because of their legal complexity having regard to the value of the caused damage and the type of infringement.
- The mandates of the solicitor company of Dr. Erika Szeiler (case no. around 30) in cases where urgent examination of legal aspects and interpretation of criminal matters were required. This company involves us into cases, where the solution requires serious legal consideration, criminal tactical and methodical experiences.
- The above named EURO 3 TRADE ZRt. has contracted with us several times in cases to validate a claim against others, where we had to carry out property detection, had to analyse civil law and criminal aspects in interest of the Client to be able to start administrative procedures. (These cases are important because of the complexity of legal aspects.)
- We acted several times in cases of ARANYH�D �d�l�h�z Kft, REKON ZRt. and on behalf of dr. K�roly Sz�sz - legal representative of these companies. In these cases we carried out:
- the detection of company law background
- the detection of the business interest of the company
- the detection of their properties
- analysis of criminal aspects of the infringements made by the debtor
- preparation of the criminal procedure
- evaluation of the outcome of criminal procedures in some part of the current case
(These cases are important because of the complexity and difficulties of legal aspects.)
- We acted on behalf of Kutas B.B.B. �p�t�ipari Kivitelez� �s Szolg�ltat� Kft. - with wide economic connections and considerable outstandings) five occasion. The mandates came from a group of companies which are part of the main company. All of the cases focused on:
- detection of hidden properties of Debtors
- detection of their business interest
- consideration of the potential and actual steps towards criminal proceedings
- evaluation of current procedures carried out by authorities and their conclusion
(These cases are important because of the complexity and difficulties of legal aspects and also because of the limited 'handling method' to validate the rights of the client.)
The private investigation and the relating private security service - based on special order contract according to SzVMt. 18-21� - are carried out by self employed colleagues. These private detectives - in regards of the above named Act (exceeding a 30 days period) - act by the instructions of our company. The other group of our employees carrying out private investigation and other activities related to private investigation - formally - are employed by companies - which are specialised for this kind of activity. The colleagues are carrying out their duties according to the framework contracts signed for an indefinite period.
The references are covering the most important fields of private investigation activities led/coordinated by Mr �kos Borai in the past 4 years.