Services concerning marketing and consumption of plant protection products and harvest-aid products, and plant-, soil- and agri-environment, furthermore other activities requiring specific competence concerning activities jeopardizing the safety of production
Magnum Vagyonv�delmi �s Szolg�ltat� Kft. - (Magnum Security and Provider Kft.) offers detection of illegal falsification, repackaging, presentation, distribution via private security activities. It also offers powerful help and contribution of an expert in activities which are concerning plant-, soil- and agri-environment and the safety of production:
- Examination of plant protection products' and harvest-aid products' authenticity, quality control
- Examination of residual of plant protection products in plant products, water and soil; examination of heavy metals and other toxic substances
- Practical adaptation of engineering, quality and other international specifications effecting plant-, soil- and agri-environment
- To carry out tasks in relation of international sales of plants, plant products, soil and other mediums for plants
- To carry out tasks which are linked with data bases, accountancy systems� of plant-, soil-, agri-environment's protection
- Contribution and consultancy in disease and gradation prevention which can threatened the safety of production
- Performance of tasks related to civil emergency, plant- and soil protection caused by natural disasters
- Initiate special measures in regards to protect quality and fertility of lands
- Research of biological background of environmentally sound plant- and soil protective procedures, bio innovation, development of environmentally sound techniques
- preparation and opinion of tasks related to plant-, soil- and agri-environment's professional management activity to national arrangements, community harmonisation and legislation drafts
- consultancy in relation to plant-, soil- and agri-environment's criteria system involving community and national sources for support
- Liaison with international organizations (EU, FAO, OECD, EPPO, WTO, IOBC etc.) and with the European Council and Commission and with its working party
- Liaison with the national institutions of research, development and education, Administration, public institutions, with civil- and representative bodies; preparation of cooperation programs
- Organisation of trainings with specialisation in plant protection