Private investigation
and other private security
  Private investigation  

C) Other special services for companies with private security services

XI. In interest of companies with private security services

  • mainly via contribution in business federations:
    With the development of resolution, regulatory concepts, and preparation of text suggestions and with submission of an opinion: active contribution in codification activities relating to activities of private security
  • especially in relation to changes to legislation, in case of introduction of new legal institutions or in case of legal standards which create problems in understanding and in case of upcoming difficulties during practise of private security services, special services for education and training of managers and colleagues employed by private security companies
  • Consultancy (this is neither� legal nor notaries activity) in preparation of contract's wording, which support the activity of private security and it is complying with all applicable laws and also covers all type of private security activities and it is tailor made for the client and his 'customer' and also for the subcontractors covered in the contract

D) Other services supporting public- and private security (crime prevention)

XII. Other services in relation to the threatened population (mainly students, elderly people, groups which got into the periphery of the society) for projects or for specific requests within the framework of education and training, preparation of information leaflets

  • Prevention for victimisation
  • To be able to define, record, eliminate potential criminal occasions
  • Depending on the goal of the training / education and on the target groups - the most important legislations and in relation with these are:
    • Basic legal theory
    • Psychology/Social psychology applying to the occurrence of antisocial behaviour, its characteristics, deviant behaviours, to the occurrence of criminal personality disorders, and its reasons
    • Sociology presenting social diversity and the situation of minorities
    • the criminal structure, criminal types and also highlighted: Criminology: the named population effected by and the involvement of 'victims' - belonging to these populations - in commission of a criminal offence
    • certain legal institutions, especially legal standards
    • legal measures protecting personal privilege and personal data

In interest for to present and teach the above named: as the result of the specific preventative and support education the those concerned will be able to act in situations (where they cannot rely on the help of others) to protect themselves, to mitigate the criminal threats, to prevent infringements and to recognise infringements and their predictable consequences.